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How Long Does Invisalign Take? How Long Do You Have to Wear Invisalign

Dr. Silverman • Apr 10, 2020

Are you wondering how long does Invisalign take to straighten teeth? If yes, you should check out our guide here on the key things to understand.

how long does invisalign take to straighten teeth

Are you suffering from crooked teeth? Are you wondering if there are viable alternatives to traditional braces? Then Invisalign is the answer.

Studies reveal that 84% of American adults between 18 to 34 years old believe having bad teeth negatively impacts their lives. Crooked teeth are one of the leading problems people look to remedy.

Hence, around four million Americans choose to wear braces. However, wearing braces means going through a lot of hassle and discomfort.

Thankfully, we have Invisalign as an alternative. But how long does Invisalign take to straighten teeth?

Let’s take a look at the Invisalign treatment time and how it differs from person to person.

How Long Does Invisalign Take to Straighten Teeth?

One of the most common questions we encounter from patients is “How long does Invisalign take to straighten teeth?” Well, the straight-up answer is there is no exact, definitive number.

But what we can give you is a treatment timeline, which is around 12 to 18 months on average. In some cases, the treatment can yield results in as early as 6 months. In more complex cases, the treatment may extend up to 2 years.

But why is this so? There are key factors that determine the duration of the treatment. One of them is the distance your teeth need to move before they align.

The greater the distance of movement, the longer the Invisalign treatment usually takes. Another factor is the pace of the movement. Some people have teeth that move faster than others.

Another key factor is the patient’s level of compliance. Your orthodontist will require you to wear Invisalign for a specific number of hours a day. Sometimes, some patients do not follow the required number of hours, and this extends their treatment time.

Why the Time Varies from Patient to Patient

As we mentioned earlier, the time it takes for Invisalign to work may differ from one patient to another. Let's try to break this down even further.

For patients who have crowded teeth, 6 to 12 months is the usual treatment time if there is only mild crowding. We also said earlier that some cases take up to two years. These are for more severe cases.

The key lies, however, on the assessment of the teeth. There are times when plain Invisalign is not enough to address the problem. This means there is a need to use other treatments alongside Invisalign.

In case your teeth require closing some gaps in between, the orthodontist must first measure the distance of the gaps. This is a crucial step because the 6mm maximum gap size will take nearly two years to close.

If multiple gaps measure more than 6mm combined, the orthodontist may suggest a different approach to the problem.

Another common concern of patients concerns their age. Do adults have to wait longer to see the results of Invisalign compared to children and teens? The answer is no, the patient’s age does not determine the length of the Invisalign treatment time.

The case is some people, regardless of the age group they belong to, have teeth that move more easily than others.

Invisalign vs Braces: The Key Differences

Though Invisalign and traditional braces have the same end goal, they differ in many aspects. Indeed, braces are still the more common choice. But the Invisalign market continues to grow steadily.

Perhaps the biggest appeal of Invisalign is flexibility. Since Invisalign is detachable, it means you don’t have to wear it 24/7. On the flip side, there is no way for you to remove your braces.

When it comes to the duration of treatment, traditional braces also take much longer for the effects to show. On average, you may need to wear traditional braces from anywhere between 18 months to 3 years.

As for Invisalign, you can see the results within a year or two.

When it comes to the maintenance aspect, braces require more attention compared to Invisalign. For starters, you may need to avoid certain foods that easily stick in between brackets and wires. At night, you will take a much longer time cleaning and flossing your teeth.

On the flip side, you can easily remove your Invisalign. You can do so while eating, brushing, or flossing your teeth. You can even store them temporarily if you want to during special occasions.

Lastly, Invisalign wins in the aesthetics department. Since it is virtually invisible, you don’t need to be conscious when wearing it during parties. You can smile all you want with confidence on your face.

Our Invisalign Process

The key to a successful Invisalign approach begins in the consultation stage. A reputable practice like Maryland Center for Complete Dentistry will perform a comprehensive assessment. Expect a good dentist to examine your teeth, mouth, jaw to determine what you truly need.

From the results of the assessment, the dentist will create a treatment plan. This plan contains the timeline, appointment schedule, instructions, and cost.

Thereafter, the practice will create Invisalign using 3D imaging technology. This yields accurate measurements to ensure the Invisalign fits your teeth perfectly.

The Verdict

At the end of the day, Invisalign works faster compared to traditional braces. It can fix your crooked teeth several months to a year faster.

Though you'll need to wear it for 22 hours a day, you still have the option to take it out anytime you want. You can clean easily without having to worry about breaking any wires or brackets.

Add to these the convenience and flexibility of Invisalign, and it is the better choice.

Experience the Wonders of Invisalign, Today!

Invisalign is an innovative way of fixing your crooked teeth. Now that you know the answer to "how long does Invisalign take to straighten teeth", your next step is to learn more about the treatment. We invite you to get in touch with us today and tell us more about your condition.

Talk to us and request an appointment. Let us take a look at your teeth and discuss the most appropriate options for you. Visit our family dentistry office and let’s bring back the smile on your face through Invisalign!

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