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What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Dr. Silverman • Jun 17, 2022

Are you wondering what porcelain veneers are and if they're right for you? Learn what porcelain veneers are and what to know before getting them.

Porcelain Veneers, Dentist in Owings Mills MD

Have you always wanted a Hollywood smile? Veneers remain the most popular cosmetic dentistry option for celebrities and actresses. The market for porcelain veneers is valued in the billions, according to Allure magazine. 

If dental stains, gaps, and other cosmetic blemishes leave you reluctant to smile, your dentist in Owings Mills MD can customize a cosmetic treatment plan that enhances your smile. The results can leave you looking younger and more attractive. 

Here's what else you should know.

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are ultra-thin shells that are placed on the front of anterior teeth. The fully customizable prosthetic conceals the tooth behind a flawless porcelain covering.

Because of the incredibly thin width of the veneers, your dentist typically only removes a small amount of enamel to create space for the shells. This minimally invasive benefit means that you can enjoy the benefits of retaining your natural teeth.

While veneers can be fabricated from a wide range of, our dentist recommends porcelain as a base material. The advanced ceramic material matches the natural luster and color of enamel. Porcelain is also resistant to staining and highly durable. 

What Can Porcelain Veneers Address?

Veneers are popular because the cosmetic treatment is incredibly versatile. Here are a few of the more common cosmetic problems that can be addressed using porcelain veneers.


Gaps between teeth can be a source of embarrassment. No matter what caused the gaps, your dentist can fabricate veneers to conceal that problem. 

To eliminate the appearance of dental gaps, the dentist will fabricate two veneers that are slightly larger than your natural teeth. Once placed, the shells bridge the gap in your smile and leave your teeth appearing flawless. 


Deep intrinsic stains cannot be removed by brushing alone. Some types of stains are difficult to remove even though dental whitening treatments. 

One solution is to have one or more veneers placed over those discolored teeth. Dr. Silverman will explain your options. You can lighten your teeth a few shades or go for a more dazzling white smile. 

While teeth whitenings may help for a year or two, veneers can solve your discoloration problems for decades. 


Veneers can even address a crooked tooth. Your dentist can gently shave down the tooth and place a veneer that restores symmetry to your smile. This can be especially effective if you only have one or a few crooked teeth. 

If you are considering orthodontic treatment, consider the possibility of veneers. Orthodontic treatments can take years to complete.

Veneers can deliver similar results in only a few weeks. 

Small Teeth

Genetics can leave teeth appearing unusually small. If this is a source of embarrassment, consider having veneers placed over those teeth. The results will enhance your smile and leave you with big and beautiful teeth. 

How Are Veneers Placed?

Before you can be fitted with veneers, Dr. Silverman will determine if you are a good candidate for dental veneers. The vast majority of our patients are great candidates for this cosmetic treatment option. 

Candidates should be in good oral health. You will need to have adequate and healthy enamel to support the veneers.

Once your candidacy is established, a date will be set for your veneer treatment. This process usually requires two visits to our office.

On the first visit, Dr. Silverman will prepare your teeth. After using local anesthesia to ensure that you are comfortable, he will gently remove a small layer of enamel.

Digital images will then be taken of your teeth. This information allows technicians in a special lab to fabricate your custom veneers. You will be fitted with temporary veneers while you wait. 

Once the technicians mail the veneers back to our office, a second visit will be scheduled. Dr. Silverman will use a special dental cement to bond the veneers in place. 

Your dentist will check each tooth carefully to ensure that they are a perfect fit. There is no recovery time associated with this straightforward procedure. 

What to Expect Afterward

There is a short adjustment period usually associated with this cosmetic treatment. You may feel like your bite is "off" in the days following the placement of your veneers. Your mouth will quickly adjust to the presence of the cosmetic shells. 

Patients should maintain good oral hygiene habits. Veneers are incredibly durable, but the underlying enamel is still vulnerable to decay. Brushing twice a day, flossing, and scheduling regular visits to our office can ensure that your veneers last for well over a decade. 

Never use your veneers to bite hard objects or to pry open packages. Doing so can dislodge or damage your veneers. If you notice that one of your veneers become chipped or loose, call our office immediately. 

In some cases, your dentist can reattach the veneers. At some point, your dentist will need to replace the veneers. Replacing veneers is a simple and straightforward process that Dr. Silverman handles here at our office. 

Schedule Your Visit with Your Dentist in Owings Mills MD Today

Porcelain veneers can drastically enhance the appearance of your smile. The results are teeth that turn heads. Veneers remain one of the most popular cosmetic treatments we offer because the ultra-thin shells can address a wide range of cosmetic blemish issues.

Ready to see what veneers can do for you? Your dentist in Owings Mills MD looks forward to explaining the benefits of porcelain veneers during your cosmetic consultation. To schedule your next visit, contact our office online today. 

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